Initially, we start with the dreams of Zenitsu Agatsuma and Inosuke Hashibira, who both have dreams that are relatively normal in comparison to the dreams of their other two fellow demon slayers. While asleep, our demon slayers dream of various things either akin to their personality or their overall character.
There, our demon slayers slumber away, tied to four mysterious children who seem to know much more about this sudden sleep than we initially thought they did.
If this small snippet has made you want to learn everything there was to know about the third episode, then you’ve come to the right place because we’re here to recap and give a brief review on Demon Slayer: Mugen Train Arc episode 3 so that you’re all set for episode 4.Ĭheck it out, down below! Demon Slayer: Mugen Train Arc episode 3 recapĮpisode 3 kicked off with every passenger, including our Flame Hashira and his three pupils, fast asleep on the deadly Mugen Train.